Sunday, 18 September 2011

Beta Rewards Annouced

Hey Tinkas!
Today I logged onto Tinkatolli and checked the news...and WOW I was suprised!
Basically if you Tested Tinkatolli in private beta you will get some AWESOME REWARDS When Open Beta is relased
The Rewards are:
-Free 1 Month Membership
-TinkaTester Badge
-A ribbon on your playercard saying 'I was a TinkaTester'
-the 4 rare BETA Eggs (The 1st one is allready out get it quickly!)
-Tinkatotem Poll
And Finally If you win the new TinkaTester Makeable Competion your makeable will be given to EVERY Private Beta Tinka!
I think Tinkatolli staff have done AMAZINGALLY On these Rewards for all of our hardwork testing the game and reported glitches/bugs (:
What do you guys think of these Tinkertasic Rewards (See im good at making up Tinka-related words)
Make sure to comment :D
Keep Tinkering!

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