Friday, 23 September 2011

Beta Egg 'A' is Finally here!

Hey Tinkas,
My Guess was right! The Egg was released today!

Now this one is the trickest yet in my opinion!
Mine was locatated behind a rock at the Waterfall in Canopia!
Looks like the Super-Duper Rare Egg isnt avalible right now but hopefully Tinkatolli HQ will release it soon!
Keep Tinkering

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Trader Tinka Returns

Hey Tinkas
I was collecting Blings today and I found THE TRADER TINKA :D
Hes located at Tinkertown!
Here are the items He has on offer
The Guitar Pic is at Stinkatolli,The Green Solider Figure is at Sunduina,The leaves are at Canopia, the Water Bottle is at Sunduina and The champange wire is at Junkatolli.Maybe your lucky enougth to get your 5th or 10th trade,meaning you'll get a badge :D I wonder when the next deal will be out ^.^
Keep Tinkering!

New Unusuals Sign Glitch

Hey Tinkas
Today when I logged back into Tinkatolli after school This popped up :D

Whats missing? The Picture of the 'A' Egg I asked Joelle if the egg was out she said No and I told her that popped up,This had happened to her previously a while back and the next day THE EGG CAME OUT :D
So is this a sign the Last egg will come out tomorrow? We'll just have to wait and see ^.^
Keep Tinkering!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Beta Egg 'T' Released

Heyy Tinkas (:
Today Tinkatolli HQ have released the 'T' Egg!
As you should know The Egg is kinda transarent and is hidden in differnt places for differnt people
Mine was hidden behind a fork at Tinkertown!

Credit To Joelle from Tinkatolli Tricks for the Image! (
Now you should have 3 eggs! Just ONE MORE TO GO :D Then we'll get a SUPER DUPER RARE TINKAEGG! 
Awesome TT HQ Thanks for the eggs! 
Keep Tinkering!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

New Rules On Login Page

Hey Tinkas (:
Today I logged into Tinkatolli and noticed the screen had some awesome new Rules layout Take a look;
and Theres a new play button ^.^
Awesome Updates Tinkatolli HQ I like the new pictures so it makes it clear to other tinkas what the writing means :)
Keep Tinkering

New Tinkatolli Badge(Kickstarter) On Playercard

Hello Tinkas,
Today I noticed on some playercards I noticed there was a NEW BADGE featured on their playercards
Isnt this a cool update! But I do have to say I'm EXTREMELY JEALOUS as I wasnt allowed to pledge to help launch Tinkatolli as my parents say Tinkatolli is a childs game -.- but yeah,I enjoy it so thats all that matters :D I cant wait to see what else is added ^.^ Thanks TT HQ :)
Keep Tinkering

Monday, 19 September 2011

Trader Tinka Gone..Where will he be next?

Hello Tinkas :)
The Trader Tinka has gone Lets hope you got the Trade before it was too late ^.^
Where will he be next? Only time will tell...
Keep Tinkering!

Tinkazette Issue 60

Hello Tinkas ^.^
Today Tinkatolli has released issue 60 of the Tinkazette,It shows us the TinkaPad Of The Week! And the winner is......RicoBurger! Lets check out his Pad :D
(Sorry about the small image)
Well Done RicoBurger!
You win the Very rare TinkaPad Of The Week badge,Along with 150 seeds!

I really like how Rico has made the exterior with his name written in flowers ^.^
Keep Tinkering (:

New E Egg

Hello fellow Tinkas,
Today Tinkatolli HQ Has relased the 2nd B,E,T,A Egg! Its in different locations for differnt people,for me it was located outside the Funiture Shop
Its quite a challenge finding your egg as there transparent but if you cant find yours ask other tinkas im sure they'd be happy to help :D
Keep Tinkering!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Possible New Room?

Hey Tinkas!
Today while searching for a candy wrapper at Kelp key..I noticed something
This looks like an entrance to somewhere...Im guessing its for a Quest sometime in the future!
Also on the edge it has some kind of markings..Maybe a code? or a Tinka Language?
What do you think this Door is for?
Comment below ^.^
Keep Tinkering!

Trader Tinka Is Here

Hello Tinkas,
Today while exploring TinkaIsland I spotted Trader Tinka! He is located at Canopia

Lets see the tinkatasic items he has to offer
If your stuck on any item locations here they are
Orange Leaves-Canopia
Candy Wrappers-Kelp Key/Mudpatch
LCD Screen-Stinkatolli
Chicken Wire-Stinkatolli

I wonder if these items will become RARE One day? I hope they do ^.^
Also did you know if Trade with the Trader Tinka 5 and 10 times you'll get a badge,Awesome right (:
Keep Tinkering!

Beta Rewards Annouced

Hey Tinkas!
Today I logged onto Tinkatolli and checked the news...and WOW I was suprised!
Basically if you Tested Tinkatolli in private beta you will get some AWESOME REWARDS When Open Beta is relased
The Rewards are:
-Free 1 Month Membership
-TinkaTester Badge
-A ribbon on your playercard saying 'I was a TinkaTester'
-the 4 rare BETA Eggs (The 1st one is allready out get it quickly!)
-Tinkatotem Poll
And Finally If you win the new TinkaTester Makeable Competion your makeable will be given to EVERY Private Beta Tinka!
I think Tinkatolli staff have done AMAZINGALLY On these Rewards for all of our hardwork testing the game and reported glitches/bugs (:
What do you guys think of these Tinkertasic Rewards (See im good at making up Tinka-related words)
Make sure to comment :D
Keep Tinkering!